Jennifer Lommers
Jennifer is a painter |
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Jennifer began her love of the outdoors at a young age - camping and hiking every summer around Mount Rainier, the Olympic Peninsula, and the Oregon Coast while bird watching and drawing and painting animals at every opportunity. After briefly following her love of animals (and science and math) into college, it was there she re-kindled her love of art and earned a B.F.A. in painting at the University of Washington under the direction of Professor Eugene Pizzuto. While she drifted away from art after graduation, she finally came back to painting and eventually decided to pursue an art career full-time in 2006. Jennifer now happily lives and works in Corvallis, Oregon where she enjoys creating in her studio, hiking and biking, time with family and friends, playing with her pets, and enjoying the amazing beauty of the Oregon coast at every opportunity!